Get Mulch / Firewood

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Would you like a free Mulch or Firewood?

To request free mulch, please read our terms below. This is a FREE service and there are no guarantees as to when or if the mulch will be delivered. We operate mainly in the Western Suburbs so if you are requesting mulch north of Scarborough or south of Fremantle we may not be able to help out. We will call you prior to delivery to confirm you still require the order.

Terms & Conditions

  • Mulch delivery is a free service and is delivered when we are working in your area.
  • We cannot guarantee how much mulch we can offer. In many cases it could be as large as 8 cubic metres.
  • Once the truck starts tipping it is not possible to tip only ½ a load. You much be prepared to take it all.
  • The mulch is made up from tree prunings in your local area and not all loads of free mulch will be the same. It will depend upon variants such as the source of the matter, hardwood, softwood or a combination of both and the sharpness of the cutting blades.
  • Some much may contain traces of Palm mulch.
  • The mulch will be delivered to your verge or driveway, providing the truck has access.
  • Please describe clearly where you would like the mulch tipped.
  • We will not be responsible for the removal of any unwanted or unused mulch.